Family & Friends Art Session
Exclusive by invite private booking only.
Location Ruse
Participants must be 15 years and over
I’ll be teaching in the 3 hr session - painting with inks and acrylics, line drawing and watercolour, I’ll be providing all the materials as well as nibbles and refreshments. You will get a little taste of 2 different art sessions. I only have 3 spots though - so get in quick if you’re keen!!
If booking for multiple people at once - please list all the names of the family and friends attending in the notes on checkout.
- Workshop tickets are non-refundable however are transferrable to another person you know whom may wish to attend. 24 hours notice prior to the workshop must be given at hello@celestewrona.com.au to ensure the attendee list is updated.
- In the case of “no shows” we are unable to refund, reschedule or provide credit for a missed session.
- In order to run a workshop, each class has a 4 participant minimum requirement. If this condition is not met we will contact attendees and reschedule.
- If you would like to transfer your booking to another workshop on another date 14 days notice is required.
- In the event the workshop is cancelled by us due to unforeseen circumstances you will receive a full refund or a credit to put towards another workshop.
- In the case of changes of workshop dates due to COVID restrictions and recommendations a credit will be issued to allow you to rebook the workshop once classes recommence.
- During the workshop you agree to adhere to all safety precautions and requirements. Celeste Wrona holds no liability for any loss, theft or damage to personal properties or physical injuries obtained during the workshop.
- The workshop you attend and all resources provided are protected by copyright and are the intellectual property of Celeste Wrona. You are not authorised to reproduce or teach the content of this workshop unless written approval has been requested and granted. The skills and art techniques you learn however may be used to create and sell art.
- Any photographs or videos taken during the workshop or shared with us after the workshop may be used for promotional purposes. Please notify the workshop facilitator if you prefer to not have photos and videos of yourself or your work used.
Have any further questions? Contact us at hello@celestewrona.com.au